Tuesday 26 September 2017

Trading Triade Successo System

Il Trading Triad. To essere un trader di successo in genere si ritiene che è necessario per eccellere in tre counts. When nuovi operatori esperienza battute d'arresto che spesso ci hanno detto che è il loro modo di pensare che è colpa Poltrona commerciale psicologo dirà don t hanno una vincendo la mentalità, sono troppo avidi, troppo timorosi qualsiasi numero di tratti di personalità negativi che implicano semplicemente aren t nati per renderlo come un trader. I non può contestare che questo può essere il caso, ma atteggiamento doesn t si verificano in un vacuum. It è molto più facile avere un punto di vista commerciale positive se hanno anche la fiducia nella vostra analisi e hanno una struttura per il vostro commercio management. Which è il motivo per cui vi è un successo Trading triade in un settore dipende dal successo in altri two. Turn un circolo vizioso in un one. Learning virtuosa al commercio richiede tempo e miglioramento continuo una frase che ho sentito su un seminario molti anni fa, dal diffusore business popolare Keith Cunningham era che, invece di pratica per essere perfetto dovremmo invece praticare per improve. Accept che le richieste di negoziazione a migliorare continuamente in tutte le aree della triade Trading e ogni passo in avanti in uno vi aiuteranno a migliorare negli altri due Mantenere il movimento attraverso il liquido triade vi permetterà di progredire rapidamente come trader. Technical definito dell'analisi s nessuno posto giusto per iniziare come ogni parte dipende dalle altre, ma una buona base di analisi tecnica è qualcosa che si può intraprendere che è relativamente straightforward. There sono molte caratteristiche diverse per il commercio con l'producendo le proprie sfide l'analisi tecnica è la più accademicamente esigenti di quelli che c'è bisogno di concentrarsi per imparare questo nuovo skill. As tali grafici di analisi è spesso considerato il più in termini di tempo aspetto del trading imparare a leggere l'azione dei prezzi, modelli di grafico, formazioni candlestick e altri indicatori è come imparare una nuova lingua e può essere scoraggiante è necessario perseverare in realtà fino a quando finalmente non scatta in place. Once avete assimilato queste informazioni il prossimo passo è quello di mettere in atto un sistema per determinare i punti di ingresso Utilizzando una combinazione di indicatori tecnici per dare a questi segnali è il primo passo in la costruzione di una punta strategy. TDT Se sviluppare la propria strategia potrebbero essere necessari diversi tentativi di varie combinazioni di indicatori per trovare quello che funziona per voi si dovrebbe provare ogni combinazione numerose volte per valutare la validità Vedere il mio articolo è il commercio un vero disastro o di un tizio per come differenziare una buona da una cattiva trade. Trade management. How bene a gestire i traffici determineranno il margine di profitto tagliare le perdite breve e lasciate che i vostri vincitori correre è un ben noto la gestione commerciale adage. Trade è la seconda parte alla costruzione di una strategia di. Again, se si ricevono tutoraggio o formazione dovrebbe essere parte di ciò che s inclusi nel pacchetto si dovrebbe capire il motivo per cui si sta entrando in un mestiere e come gestirla Don t lasciatevi ingannati con tecno-gergo si dovrebbe capire la strategia, almeno in principle. If si sono auto-apprendimento è necessario costruire una serie di parametri di dirvi dove il tuo stop loss iniziale dovrebbe essere, come si intende gestire un trade vincente e quello che determina l'uscita dalla punta trade. TDT vedere il mio articolo rischio può gestire la cosa su come ridurre al minimo le perdite e massimizzare i vincitori mitigazione del rischio è una parte essenziale del trading per migliorare la vostra line. Regardless fondo se si utilizza il sistema di qualcun altro s o costruire il proprio, è necessario avere fiducia in it. If si è sicuri con le vostre abilità di analisi tecnica, allora si capisce perché si sta entrando e come si dovrebbe gestire un commercio per ottenere profitti ottimali Se si utilizza una terza strategia parte senza capire allora sarà estremamente difficile da attaccare con durante un periodo di successiva fallita trades. Trading attitude. It s molto più facile avere un atteggiamento mentale positivo verso il tuo trading se si dispone di una buona strategia in atto è necessario avere fiducia nel sistema utilizzato e il modo migliore per farlo è quello di capire come e perché works. There sarà ancora alcuni psico-Gremlins su cui lavorare, ma Trading, per la stragrande maggioranza delle persone, è un modo completamente diverso di pensare successo in altre professioni non è garanzia di successo nel trading. la maggior parte delle persone con un'istruzione superiore di un grado o qualifica professionale tendono a trovare l'analisi tecnica l'aspetto più semplice della triade di padroneggiare Essi sono utilizzati per trattare con più flussi di dati e ricerca di modelli o collegamenti Tuttavia, l'analisi tecnica è anche un arte visiva, in modo da molte persone con una convinzione più pratico anche trovano questo molto semplice da understand. Issues sorgere con l'enorme volume di indicatori che sono stati creati e sviluppati nel corso degli anni, mentre il software ha un valore inestimabile per aiutarci con la nostra analisi può tradursi in informazioni-sovraccarico. concentrandosi sul quadro generale è essenziale per la negoziazione coloro che sono nuovi alla negoziazione tendono impantanarsi nei piccoli dettagli cercheranno troppo difficile da identificare pattern grafico candlestick nella misura in cui essi a volte vedere le cose che t aren realtà there. The miglior consiglio posso offrire qui e fare per tutti i nostri membri Trader dinamici è quello di mantenere le cose semplici Don t contare su un indicatore che è troppo complesso per voi capire e bastone per tracciare pattern candlestick che saltano fuori dalla pagina a don t andare in cerca di loro. TDT Tip Vedere il mio articolo sono i vostri grafici illuminato come un albero di Natale per mantenere il vostro analisi di gestione simple. Trade è spesso il più difficile da padroneggiare chiunque può entrare e uscire da un commercio, ma come ottenere il massimo profitto da una mossa è un molto più tricky. It s sorprendente come spesso, inconsciamente o meno, cerchiamo la conferma da parte degli altri quando si prendono decisioni, infatti, i migliori leader sono quelli che anticipano il più esattamente mercati di forte domanda popolare don t ci danno le stesse indizi utili a capire che cosa sta per succedere abbiamo solo le probabilità di precedenti eventi in una certa misura siamo in grado di immergere la nostra punta per testare l'acqua inserendo con una piccola posizione Questo aiuta a costruire la fiducia, piuttosto che andare all-in su un certo prezzo thing. As va a nostro favore possiamo costantemente aumentare la nostra quota di nuovo, questo si basa la fiducia e porta via la necessità di dover essere proprio dal get-go questo può essere molto un concetto nuovo per molte persone, in particolare il più ambizioso tra noi che sono attratti commercio lento e stazionario vince la giornata di trading in modo che questi tipi di personalità troveranno questo aspetto del trading più facile Tuttavia, queste stesse persone possono essere un po 'meno decisiva in modo realmente di entrare in commercio, in primo luogo può essere un challenge. Everyone deve fare un adattamento psicologico quando iniziano negoziazione non dovrebbe t deve essere un grande cambiamento, basta essere preparati ad accettare si può t sempre avere ragione, che è necessario imparare e che è necessario modificare la thinking. We tutto entrare in commercio per i soldi suona come un modo relativamente semplice e in tempi rapidi di fare qualche soldo in più e migliorare il nostro commercio lifestyles. But ha diverse idee che vuole solo il meglio il più intelligente, il più efficiente e il più devoto succeed. Only pochissimi può pretendere di essere il migliore in tutti e tre i componenti della triade Trading E che s bene, perché la maggior parte delle persone abbandonano il commercio senza mai rendersi conto che per essere solo bravi a questi tre aspetti del trading è sufficiente per diventare un trader di grande successo. ci sarà sempre un settore in cui eccellere, ma attraverso la pratica e duro lavoro si può facilmente diventare superiore alla media negli altri due e questo, a sua volta, produrrà strategie results. The straordinarie mostrato a noi e ai trade vincenti che seguirono hanno aiutato mi ha fatto crescere in fiducia nel commercio e questo è solo un paio di settimane dopo aver terminato la linea mentoring la prova è nel pudding e sia profit Javid e Anne dalle stesse strategie che mostrerà chiunque sia seriamente interessato forex trading dovrebbe assolutamente prendere il mentoring non posso ringraziare Javid e Anne sufficiente per le loro strategie, la gentilezza e il duro lavoro che mi ha trasformato come un commerciante Sanjay Patel. Prior a soddisfare Javid avevo trascorso la parte migliore di 15 mesi conoscere il mercato forex Tutta la conoscenza che avevo ottenuto era stato in gran parte auto insegnato attraverso la lettura di molti libri su analisi tecnica, la psicologia del trading, così come trascorrere ore e ore a guardare i video su analisi tecnica Inoltre, avevo frequentato un seminario di due giorni sull'analisi tecnica, insieme a frequentando diversi seminari gratuiti su forex trading, il tutto in la mia ricerca per trovare qualcuno che ha una vera e propria esperienza di successo costante in moneta di scambio ho capito lungo la strada che molti potrebbe parlare il discorso, ma molto pochi in realtà può effettivamente percorrere la passeggiata Purtroppo chi ha proclamato di essere commercianti di successo sarebbe solo condividere le loro conoscenze attraverso strategie che sono stati confezionati con una finitura impiallacciato per il mercato di massa e portava un prezzo molto costoso Personalmente, non ho potuto attribuire alcun valore a tali offerte perché volevo conoscere i dadi e bulloni di trading. My obiettivo era quello di trovare un mentore con una comprovata esperienza che potrebbe aiutarmi a colmare le lacune e offrire una guida e il supporto Ora, se si crede nelle leggi di attrazione The Secret, si capirà quando dico che un comune amico è successo a menzionare il nome Javid s in una conversazione uno giorno , ho preso contatto con Javid e il resto è history. Javid è un individuo che ha una vera passione per il forex trading I due giorni che ho trascorso con Javid erano molto ben informato ed estremamente produttivo Javid s approccio libro aperto all'insegnamento significava che ha condiviso la sua conoscenza , i metodi e le strategie con me le radici dell'erba di livello le sue spiegazioni di analisi tecnica, il rischio e la gestione del denaro erano molto semplice e facile da capire la mia sessione di mentoring con lui era eccellente mio progressi dal soddisfare Javid è stato exponential. Anyone che passa il tempo con Javid si accorgeranno subito che la sua offerta complessiva deriva dalla sua passione cruda di trading e questo è il tipo di mentoring che è essenziale per chiunque voglia seriamente di diventare un commerciante del forex Kartik. My progressi sono stati Exponential. It ha preso me due anni e mezzo anni per imparare a scambi abbastanza bene per fare sempre più soldi di quando lavoravo non è stato facile, ho avuto molte notti insonni chiedendomi se potevo farlo sono stato vicino a rinunciare un paio di volte in cui ho avuto una serie di perdere mestieri in successione senza una corretta gestione del denaro, che possono seriamente danneggiare il vostro conto non posso dirvi quanto sono felice che nonostante tutto i mercati hanno gettato su di me ho continuato ad andare avanti e provare di più, spendendo più ore davanti al mio del computer, analizzando i grafici e back testing sistemi di trading l'unica cosa che mi ha dato la fiducia e soprattutto la convinzione che avrei potuto avere successo era che io conoscevo le persone che commerciavano con successo e che vivono i loro profitti, prevalentemente Javid, mi ha mostrato il commercio metodi e sistemi per aiutare me per avere successo e stato il mio mentore quando avevo bisogno di aiuto smusso lo ringrazio abbastanza per l'aiuto e la volta che ha messo a disposizione me. All di voi visitando questo sito sa che è possibile, e spero che ciò che scrivo dà alcuni di voi che sono forse pensando di rinunciare, la convinzione di sé per continuare perché è possibile avere successo ho ora in pensione per quasi 3 settimane e sto una media di 300 pips a settimana, che è abbastanza per me vivere comodamente su, ma ero ancora preoccupato che se ho avuto una brutta paio di settimane avrei lottare Questa apprensione è stato spazzato fuori dall'acqua il Giovedi, ero 500 pips per il giorno entro le ore 10 ho poi chiuso nel mio profitti e ha preso il cane fino le colline il giorno in cui sono tornato a casa a distanza di gioco che avevo fatto 1030 pips in un solo giorno, ho fatto in un giorno quello che ho usato per guadagnare in due mesi Grazie Javid per tutto il vostro aiuto, non potevo hanno fatto senza di te Barry ex tacchino catcher. What che si sta per imparare semplicemente leggendo questa lettera sarà assolutamente cambiare il modo in cui ci si avvicina il tuo trading In realtà, vi esorto a leggere solo la prima sezione qui sotto, e io m fiducioso quello che si scoprirà nei prossimi 30 secondi farà in modo molto senso per voi, desidera continuare oltre e più in basso il nome page. Jason Fielder internazionale valuta Trader. My è Jason Fielder, e sono già stati in grado di fare una carriera di monete di scambio a causa della mia capacità di prevedere le tendenze del mercato con una precisione letale miei amici, anche quelli che don t hanno un indizio circa il buy mercato dei cambi quando dico loro di comprare, vendere quando dico loro di vendere, e denaro in big-time nel process. For quelli di voi non conosce, mi permetta di darle qualche rapido 411 su come il mercato più ricco di tutti i cambio di valuta estera noto anche come FOREX works. People e le aziende hanno a scambiare la loro valuta quando si passa da un paese all'altro in la maggior parte d'Europa, usano l'euro quindi, se siete negli Stati Uniti, è necessario acquistare euro con dollari o, se si vola in Giappone, è necessario acquistare Yen con il Dollars. With me così tipi far. These di scambi andare avanti 24 ore al giorno in tutto il mondo e più di 2 miliardi di dollari vengono scambiati ogni giorno le banche, i paesi e le grandi imprese multinazionali cambiano la valuta più volte al giorno Se una banca o altra grande società è stato quello di sedersi sulle sue riserve, letteralmente potrebbe andare in bancarotta in un week. Now, qui qualcosa maggior parte delle persone don t know. One minuto il dollaro può essere alto, un minuto dopo l'euro può essere fino al posto Poiché i cambiamenti economici situazione minuto di ogni notizia estate broadcast. Last , il dollaro era debole contro tutte le valute Poi, improvvisamente, quando il prezzo del petrolio sono crollati, il dollaro rapidamente girato come una delle valute più forti i commercianti world. Savvy che sanno come reagire MILIONI effettuate su quel movimento di mercato in appena un mese. Tuttavia c'è un problema maggior parte dei commercianti veramente don t hanno idea di cosa stanno facendo sono semplicemente indovinando quando comprare o vendere, e non hanno le competenze e la fiducia di prendere questi fruttuosi scambi commerciali che possono essere così gratificante finanziariamente Certo che fanno soldi a volte , ma altrettanto spesso, danno tutto back. But ci sono alcuni, quelli armati di una conoscenza molto specializzata di come i mercati forex funzionano, che sono costantemente tirando i profitti fuori dal mercato, il tipo di profitti che di solito sente parlare su il news. And se sei un veterano, o un principiante totale tutto comincia con avere un sistema che rimuove la paura, il dubbio la preoccupazione e la seconda indovinare quando si prende i vostri commerci e vi darà quello che io chiamo assoluta fiducia Ogni ora si tira il Trigger. Triad mi ha preso dalla paura Ridden Part Time rookie a un tempo pieno professionale Trader. Once ho perfezionato il mio sistema di punta, la formula triade Trading, tutto è cambiato per me, e lo farà anche per voi minuto di iniziare utilizzando it. Imagine per un momento che eri una star del cinema Ogni persona che si avvicinava sarebbe immediatamente scaldare a te, ti trattano come un re, essere sempre gentile e sorridente e fare qualcosa per you. If che fosse il caso si sarebbe mai esitare a chiedere a nessuno per qualsiasi cosa, si dovrebbe avere assoluta fiducia quando si trattava di avvicinarsi nessuno, perché si dovrebbe semplicemente essere utilizzato per ottenere tutto ciò che hai chiesto for. You sarebbe senza paura, perché la risposta che hai sarebbe quasi sempre positive. Now immaginare questo in termini commerciali. Come vi sentireste se aveste un modo di trading che segnalerebbe soltanto una voce quando la probabilità di esso che è un vincitore è stato così alto che mai dubitato prendere un altro trade. Now che non vuol dire che si ha vinto t avere trade perdenti, o corso si vuole, ma si sa che se hai fatto perdere un mestiere, il prossimo vincitore potrebbe essere proprio dietro l'angolo, quindi si sarebbe semplicemente non essere preoccupati per tirare il grilletto per la mia again. Welcome mondo. I mondo della triade Trading, e può diventare la vostra too. Now mondo, mi permetta di iniziare con le 3 ragioni maggior parte dei commercianti semplicemente aren t di successo, io li chiamo the. The 3 Equivoci fatali e finiscono 90 di commercianti Opportunità di lavoro prima ancora di Begin. As un operatore professionale a tempo pieno , I ve vengo a scoprire che ci sono 3 idee sbagliate fondamentali e fatali che che quasi tutti i commercianti hanno circa il forex market. And cosa è così incredibile, è che è gli stessi 3 idee sbagliate che sono il motivo esatto per la maggior parte dei commercianti hanno un momento molto difficile essere coerente con la loro negoziazione, chiudere prima che si trasformino l'angolo o semplicemente aren t profitable. All ciò che serve è una strategia unica che commercia sempre allo stesso modo in tutti i tipi di condizioni di mercato, e sarà tutto ciò che mai bisogno di questo è il singolo più grandi commercianti di errore make. Trading utilizzando un sistema di regole basato mescolati con la propria soggettività o sul processo decisionale volo, è meglio che avere un sistema in grado di interpretare in modo intelligente i mercati e dirà cosa do. Trading forex è difficile, complicato, e vogliono anni per padroneggiare, così come si ri imparare è necessario pagare le tasse - e perdendo regolarmente si deve aspettare don ti preoccupare, ho pensato che questo era il caso too. After quasi un decennio di esperienza di trading è stata la mia osservazione più e ancora una volta, che i commercianti che hanno successo e so che molti che sono sono tutti a conoscenza di queste idee sbagliate pericolose, e hanno preso ogni passo per EVITARE them. And ora che tu sei, si può già guardare avanti ad un futuro di trading molto più brillante, e I m per spiegare esattamente perché che is. What siete sul punto di scoprire qui è il gioco fine di oltre 8 anni di intensa, di nuovo rottura, test ultra a tempo pieno e vivo, in-the-trincee di trading experience. What preso me quasi un quarto della mia vita per lo sviluppo, è tuo per la presa giusta now. It sa totale cambio di gioco, e io sto per condividere con voi il motivo per cui il mio sistema farà il singolo più grande differenza nella tua carriera commerciale si trasforma in un successo trader dal momento in cui si inizia a utilizzare it. Oh, ed è più facile di quanto probabilmente pensate Stick con me e io vi mostrerò come s done. Forex è il mercato più grande al mondo, oltre 2 miliardi di dollari vengono scambiati Daily. And è possibile fare soldi troppo, un sacco di esso in quanto il valore di diverse valute fluttuano tutto il giorno contro l'altro cambiano di minuto in minuto, come investitori, banche e turisti richiedono più di una valuta, e meno di un altro e, proprio come le scorte, le persone li può tracciare e commercio them. And qui la cosa è don t deve essere un professionista o un investitore per fare soldi in questo cambi, o Forex in breve Nessuna esperienza necessary. What e 'stato come per me. I ricordare quello che era come quando ho iniziato negoziazione al momento ho ancora ingenuamente creduto che se riuscivo a trovare che un sistema di scambio proficuo che I d essere impostato per la vita quando non potevo trovare un sistema del genere, ho trascorso più di 5 anni alla ricerca e cercando di sviluppare il mio proprio, solo per fallire il tempo e il tempo di nuovo. Ma poi ho scoperto triade Trading e un vero e proprio passo avanti si è verificato mi sono reso conto che trovare un sistema di Santo Graal che sarebbe redditizio in tutte le condizioni di mercato non era t appena impossible. it era unnecessary. It s ora la mia missione di condividere questa scoperta con il maggior numero possibile di commercianti, e un giorno anche vedere la teoria della triade Trading elencato tra il grande commercio philosophies. That s dove si arriva in. I desidera creare un gruppo affiatato di Triad i commercianti che impareranno i miei sistemi, li operare con successo e contribuire a diffondere la parola su triade Trading i don t si aspettano che questo movimento per avere un impatto durante la notte, ma con le persone giuste che sarà abbastanza presto e nel frattempo ci ll tutto fare più soldi e diventare più successo traders. Enter la triade Trading Formula. Now è ora di prestare la massima attenzione, come ho m per rivelare un poco noto cavillo nel mercato Forex che causa anche i migliori sistemi di trading di sbagliare 2 3 del time. So se si ri come la maggior parte commerciante e you. Lack l'assoluta fiducia per tirare il grilletto a vincere trades. Don t hanno un sistema di trading provato, redditizio che rimuove la soggettività e l'emozione dal tuo trading e you. Just Aren t fare tanti soldi come si sai che dovrebbe essere making. Then continuate a leggere, perché io m per spiegare esattamente perché che is. Misconception 1 qui illustrata è il problema, è necessario adattarsi alle mutevoli condizioni di mercato, se si vuole trarre profitto in tutte le condizioni di mercato in altre parole, si può t commercio nello stesso modo per tutto il tempo, proprio come si può t guidare nello stesso modo quando è secco e soleggiato, vs quando è umido e piovoso, o si ri molto più probabile dell'incidente e burn. And se si ri non fare nonché Triade, Qui s Why. Even i migliori sistemi di trading sono ancora sbagliata due terzi del Time. Here s l'affare 'doesn t importa quello che stai negoziazione delle scorte, futures, commodities, i mercati Forex possono muoversi solo in una di tre ways. So se sembra che si sbagli più volte di quanto hai ragione quando immissione mestieri, c'è una buona reason. You ri probabilmente prendendo l'approccio sbagliato per la condizione di mercato attuale, anche se s giusto per una delle altre mercato condizioni ha vinto t si aiutano se doesn t allinearsi con quello che sta succedendo NOW. Ok, ecco sono gli unici 3 modi il mercato può MAI move. TREND prezzi significato muoversi nella stessa direzione verso l'alto o verso il basso per un periodo di tempo. COUNTER-TREND anche conosciuto come un mercato laterale o instabile si tratta di una situazione in cui i prezzi cambiano molto poco per un periodo prolungato di tempo, and. BREAKOUT ciò si verifica quando i prezzi sfondare ad un nuovo massimo o ad una nuova low. I don t importa se si ri giorno di negoziazione, swing trading o fare più ascolti a lungo termine, il mercato può essere solo in uno di questi tre patterns. But qui s i sistemi di notizie cattive sono quasi sviluppati esclusivamente per un mercato condition. So con la maggior parte sistemi, 2 3 delle volte si ll sia sbagliato o che sarete seduti sul sidelines. Remember il capriccio ho parlato above. maybe ora ha senso perché il vostro compravendite rifugio t andata avanti così come si d like. Now si può capire perché tirando i profitti fuori dal mercato in modo coerente nel tempo è sottile a nessuno, perché la maggior parte dei sistemi funzionano solo in una condizione di mercato, e senza un modo di quale modello di auto-identificazione ci si trova, si aren t andando a conoscere il modo migliore per commercio it. This ti lascia con al massimo un 1 3 possibilità di ottenere nel modo giusto, e che s se tutto il resto va la tua way. Oh, e dal modo in cui questo è stato parlato dal matematico francese Louis Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Bachelier spesso indicati ad oggi come Einstein delle Finanze nella sua tesi di dottorato 1900, la Teoria della speculazione in cui ha detto. rumore casuale cioè contro-trend è quello che definisce il comportamento normale di mercato ci sono solo altri due tipi di movimento di mercato che si trovano al di fuori della zona di picchi di mercato di rumore casuale cioè sblocchi e trends. Louis Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Bachelier. At questo punto si ri probabilmente chiedendo, che s il punto di tutto questo cosa ha a che fare con diventando un più accurato, sicuro e redditizio Forex trader. Well, se come la maggior parte dei commercianti che solo le tendenze commerciali o sistemi di breakout, ora sapete perché si re a sedersi e modalità di attendere la maggior parte della vostra vita di trading o sta assumendo mestieri male quando si salta dentro, perché non hai identificare correttamente il corretto condition.65 mercato del tempo, i mercati solo aren t fare quello che bisogno di loro a fare per rendere money. Now è vero iniziando a fare sense. And una volta che siete intimamente consapevoli delle tre condizioni di mercato e che condizionano il mercato è attualmente in commercio in, vi offre un enorme vantaggio su tutti gli altri commercianti ed ecco il motivo per cui maggior parte commercianti so solo scambiare uno o al massimo due condizioni tendenze di mercato e sblocchi Sfortunatamente per loro, le tendenze e sblocchi si verificano solo circa il 40 per parte del tempo, il che significa 60 del tempo si ri sia seduto in disparte o si sta di negoziazione dei mercati come se si comportavano in modo diverso di quello che realmente sono, che è la ragione principale che si stanno perdendo in tanti trades. It sarebbe come esattamente andare a lavorare in un cantiere edile con gli strumenti sbagliati 60 del tempo si aren t andando a fare un ottimo lavoro, e alla fine si ottiene licenziato Così negoziazione il modo in cui è probabile che sono in questo momento sta per svuotare lentamente tutte le risorse fino a portare il vostro account per ZERO. To dirla in altro modo, il vostro approccio attuale può be. Why voi re sbagliato più volte di quanto si ri right. Why si ri ancora nervoso quando arriva il momento di tirare la trigger. Why si non è profitto in modo coerente e sono ancora alla ricerca di qualcosa per ottenere there. Now che si dispone di una comprensione delle tre condizioni di mercato , utilizzando Triade, è possibile utilizzare questo fenomeno potente ma poco conosciuto per aumentare il tuo trading di precisione, fiducia e profitti Forex. Enter TRIADE s Auto-adattivo Technology. This è l'essenza della TRIADE Trading. And se vuoi diventare una migliore Forex trader, ecco il segreto grande che gli operatori professionali vinto t dire you. You vedere, per fare veramente soldi nel Forex, è necessario disporre di un sistema micidiale accurato in grado di leggere e immediatamente identificare quale tipo di condizione di mercato si è in in ogni momento e hai vinto t scoprire un tale sistema sulla CNN, CNBC, sul Wall Street Journal o una qualsiasi delle altre notizie finanziarie networks. And mentre ci sono altri, molto meno costosi, sistemi Forex disponibili, infatti, si ve probabilmente anche acquistato uno o più di questi pseudo-sistemi, in passato, nessuno di loro hanno il potere, l'accuratezza o la possibilità di fare ciò che Triade does. Here s Che cosa rende Triade Better. Unlike praticamente ogni altro sistema di trading sul Forex sul pianeta , Triade è stato progettato fondamentalmente per regolare i commerci che prende basate interamente su quali condizioni di mercato esistente al momento ogni commercio è placed. Basing vostri commerci su notizie di ieri s è come mettere le carte scoperte sul tavolo e rinunciando si perde. Se siete di profitto su base regolare e costante, che è necessario fare se si desidera scambiare per una vita come faccio io, o almeno per un reddito supplementare sano è necessario un sistema che auto-si adatta alle mutevoli costantemente le condizioni di mercato. Ecco un altro modo di vedere le cose maggior parte dei sistemi sono costruiti come i pneumatici estivi che possono fare bene quando le strade sono asciutte, ma andrà in crash e bruciare quando il tempo diventa nasty. Now pensare TRIAD come trio di alte prestazioni corsa tires. And ora immaginare di avere un pulsante in auto che cambia le gomme al volo mentre si ri ancora driving. Well che è esattamente quello che come quando si ri negoziazione con la potenza di TRIAD. In infatti, con terna s ancora meglio, perché don t bisogno di spingere il tasto il sistema è abbastanza intelligente per farlo per you. Here s un esempio Questo grafico mostra quanto sia efficace Auto-Adaptive Technology è, come ci viene agevolmente la transizione da una condizione di mercato per la prossima si noti come non importa quale condizione i mercati sono commerciali in, TRIAD si adatta e profitti lungo tutta la way. SIDE NOTA Questo, tra l'altro, è per questo che don t come la maggior parte delle applicazioni di trading scatola nera gli sviluppatori di questi sistemi nascondono quasi tutti gli aspetti di come funziona il loro sistema di trading, in modo che s praticamente impossibile per farli stare in una maggiore strategia di trading cioè portfolio. So se si rifugio t ancora fogired fuori, triade è in realtà una combinazione di tre strategie di trading in modo indipendente redditizie da qui il nome, TRIAD. And i benefici reali alla negoziazione TRIAD don t venire fino a quando non iniziare a fare trading tutte e tre le strategie a ONCE. The problema però, è che la maggior parte dei commercianti io ho incontrato don t avere tre sistemi di trading in modo indipendente redditizi nel loro portafoglio hanno quello che funziona 1 3 del tempo al meglio. e ora si può cominciare a capire perché il tuo trading hasn t stato così redditizio come si d like. Not Solo è più redditizio 45 57 più redditizio per l'esattezza. E 's anche molto più divertente perché si ri nel mercato e immissione mestieri mentre tutti gli altri è seduto sulla fence. But che non s tutto, è ancora meglio, perché ci s ZERO SUBJECTIVITY. TRIAD sempre ti dà chiare stop loss e take-profitti, in modo potenziali aspetti negativi sono protetti e i profitti sono stabiliti prima di mai prendere una singola trade. And che s because. I eliminare completamente 100 Of All seconda Guessing. Anyone che ha scambiato prima conosce la parte più difficile sta gestendo le tue emozioni Devo prendere questo commercio successiva, o saltare Dovrei uscire ora, o appendere su un po 'di più Dovrei tagliare le mie perdite o aspettare che si gira Quante volte avete secondo indovinato da soli, solo per calci te stesso per non prendere un commercio che si è rivelata essere un vincitore o terrà il troppo tempo per un perdente, trasformando una piccola perdita in un totale wipe out. With Triade gli indovinelli sono over. You ll sempre hanno un ancora esplosivo potente set di regole estremamente semplici a seguire, e si ll sempre sapere esattamente quando a prendere il vostro prossimo trade. Next avete bisogno per comprendere la soggettività Gap. Let essere schietto per un attimo maggior parte dei sistemi di istruzione e formazione don t lavoro per la maggior parte dei commercianti per una semplice ragione insegnano si teoria, ti insegnano la strategia, ma non hanno mai ti insegnano gli ultimi 10 di ciò che si ha realmente bisogno per avere successo come fare una spontanea soggettivo s l'ironia finale, perché sei così vicino, eppure così lontano, è l 'ultima 10 che fanno la differenza anche forse abbiamo un quadro di una montagna con una didascalia qualcosa come E 'come essere all'interno di una pietra s passi del picco di una montagna, ma non avendo le piccozze per rendere gli ultimi 50 piedi. si vede quasi tutti i sistemi là fuori ha un elemento soggettivo ad esso, s proprio come la maggior parte dei sistemi sono progettati e c'è una buona ragione per cui questi sistemi soggettivi don t ti insegnano come superare questo problema è possibile t insegnare, non s solo possibile e purtroppo è ciò che separa vincere i commercianti di perdere traders. No importa quanto la teoria si impara a conoscere il commercio, la maggior parte dei sistemi di scendere a prendere una decisione soggettiva all'ultimo minuto, e se non si hanno molti anni di esperienza di trading sotto la cintura, si solo che non rischia di rendere la decisione giusta spesso sufficiente per tirare i profitti fuori dal market. Which è esattamente il motivo per cui si può essere lottando in questo momento don t preoccupare non siete soli, abbiamo sentito questo tutto il time. So come possiamo risolvere questo problema Simple. Since possiamo t insegnare come fare una soggettivo decision. With il potere della Triade dietro di voi sarete sempre dato voci esatte e le uscite così come pre-impostato losses. On fermata ogni commercio che si take. This consente ogni proprietario Triade a prendere la stessa identica commerci come faccio io, gli stessi mestieri che portano a fare la mia vita come un professionista a tempo pieno e quando si diventa un proprietario di Triade, si prenderanno gli stessi mestieri esatte mi take. How spesso hanno aiutate su per un commercio troppo a lungo la nostra avidità e quindi senza speranza guardato come il mercato ha preso indietro il vostro profits. Or venduto troppo presto per paura, solo per guardare il prezzo che si pensava sarebbe cadere salire instead. Aren t voi un po 'stanco di voi lasciare emotions interfear with you trading. With Triad the fear and greed are annihilated. No more second guessing. No more over trading to make up for losses. No more kicking yourself for missing huge moves I catch almost all of them. In other words, GONE is the subjectivity. As you re learning the power of the Triad Trading Formula, we advise most new owners to start with a practice account, so they don t risk a dime And if you don t have a practice account, don t worry We ll show you how to get one in about 90 seconds Only when you re ready and have demonstrated to your own comfort level that the system works for you, do you use real you ve proven to yourself that you can make real money QUICKLY, you re ready to step up your trading You don t do anything different except move from the cheap seats to ring side seats Suddenly, you re making bigger, higher-profit trades doing the same thing you were before Because. This is the magic of our plan once you know it, you can trade larger lots and take far bigger trades without changing anything but the cost of admission It s that simple. Triad Owner Testimonial. Jason This email is my small attempt to counteract what I perceive as an excess of negativity and distrust in the retail forex world I need absolutely nothing from you except to express my gratitude for the development of your system I have examined dozens of forex systems and dealt with many highly touted mostly by the vendor systems. I can t recall when I have dealt with someone of your integrity and commitment to your customers trainees I realize that by joining the triad group I have an opportunity to become something of a rarity a genuinely successful retail forex trader So thank you, so much, for your hard work. How I Can Help You Get Started In Forex FAST. Remember misconception 3.Let me remind you in case you ve forgotten what it was it s a BIGGIE and worth repeating.3 Trading forex is difficult, complicated, and takes years to master, so as you re learning you need to pay your dues - and losing regularly is to be expected don t worry, I thought this was the case too. Well how about this. Imagine simply watching your computer for 2 hours or less per day, or if you prefer. Trade in under 15 minutes per day, taking the signlas I will send to you for free while you are getting started. The very same trade signals I used to generate. Nearly 6000 pips last year and that was JUST with my swing trades. That s how it goes when you have a blueprint and tools like I m about to send you with your permission, of course. Let me explain why most trader take YEARS to get to the point where they are consistently profitable The reason they do never ceases to amaze me but I must admit, it took me years myself , however I didn t have the advantage you do right now, becsaue when I started trading, I didn t have Triad. You see, the large majority of traders, try to learn various methods of trading, typically run multiple lagging indicators all over their charts which overcomplicates what s really going on and use and far too much descretion. In other words, they are making decisions based on what they THINK will happen in the future, typically with not NEARLY enough experience to have any real idea of what the markets will actually do. But with Triad, you aren t left to make the important decisions on your own Instead, the system is always analyzing what the current market condition is, and guiding you to place your trades based on it s built in intelligence. TRIAD gives you lines and arrows so you always have crystal clear entries and exits. But that s not all. TRIAD also gives you clear stop-losses and take-profits, so potential down-sides are protected and your profits are established before you even enter the trade eliminating the complication factor that stops most traders from geting over the hump and continuing on to become professional calliber traders. And remember, there s. No Experience Required. In fact, I prefer it that way I won t have a lot of myths and fairy tales I ll have to help you un-learn No bad habits to break, which, by the way, is why many people in Forex go broke They never learned a simple, solid, proven way to extract money from the market. They don t have a proven system to show them the way They don t have a mentor to hold their hand They don t have an auto-adaptive system like you will and they definitely don t have indicators that tell them to buy when the arrows are green, and sell when the arrows are red. So if you can follow colored arrows, YOU can trade Triad. So as you can plainly see, when you have a roadmap that literally guides you through the minefield that the forex market can be, you are in FAR better shape. Most traders learn bad habits They sit and stare at charts all day They listen to Squawk Box for tips They trade with the discipline of an impulsive 3-year-old with ADD This is why the government requires we say that you can lose money in Forex Because for some people, it s like handing a loaded pistol to a chimpanzee. That s why I like to teach new people if they learn the right way from the start, I don t have to go through all the mental restructuring that I would with a trader who s experienced but loses. I ll share something with you I got to be a very, very successful trader because of the Triad Trading Formula And I ve made other people very successful as well. Even A Complete Beginner Can Trade Triad. The reason why a complete beginner can trade like a pro is because Triad exposes the inner workings of the market No one else has this kind of information You actually get an understanding, an insight into what s going on that would be impossible outside of a high-tech trading room in an international bank. Yet it s so simple to learn that a 12-year-old could master it. Now really, I m not trying to be cocky when I say this but if you can t make high profit trades once you thoroughly understand the market, then you need to find another career It s like being given a GPS and a roadmap for a well-marked road, lit up with 2000 watt streetlights and a guide to hold your hand the entire way. So here s the deal what I m offering you is the last money-making system you ll ever need to live in the wealthy life-style of a high-powered trader, no matter WHAT the economy is doing In fact, if you re not going crazy trying to find the order button right now, then your greed glands must be on life support. Truth is, trading with Triad is not rocket science In fact, it s almost embarrassing how easy it is to learn, and how much money me and my member s been making with it. But it does require the ability to take minimal action It s the least I need a member of my crew to be able to do So take the simple action of clicking on the button below, and I welcome you aboard We re going to earn a ton of cash together. And every-day traders My students blow them away It s easy to get that good with the simple method I give them In fact, they d be downright bored, if it didn t make so much money for them. And you re next Because I m finally ready to unveil. Then there s the question of time-frames and it s here where TRIAD really shines. That s because TRIAD can be traded on virtually any time-frame. That s because TRIAD can be traded on virtually any time-frame from 15 minute charts all the way to weekly charts. So whether you like to scalp the markets all day, every day, or you re more of a swing trader. TRIAD will fit seamlessly into YOUR trading lifestyle. Triad s Click and Take Profit System. Yes, I know what you re thinking It s supposed to be complex, dangerous, etc Let me assure you, I ll take you by the hand, and we ll do baby steps together With my paint-by-numbers method, it s not difficult if you can follow simple directions. But first, here are four facts about this Forex market. This market is made up of the buying and selling of currencies Pretty much every country on earth is involved, but the four major ones are the United States Dollar, the British Pound, the Japanese Yen, and the European Union s Euro. Obviously, this market is HUGE It involves literally all the money in the world The amount of money that goes in and out of it every day called the volume is 30 times the size of ALL the stock markets around the world combined It trades 4 Trillion dollars worth per day That means there s no way it can crash No way it s subject to insider trading No way it can be manipulated by back-room Wall-Street thugs like Bernie Madoff and his gang And no way can someone else like hedge funds tell you they can t give you back the money you invested Why That kind of volume of cash is impossible to more importantly. There s no central exchange It s not like there s some physical location where everyone trades Forex It operates through a electronicly connected network of banks, brokers, people, government agencies, and companies that specialize in trading one currency for another one This means. It s traded all around the globe, in every time zone It s a 24 hour market You can access it at 3 00 AM in the morning if you want The money stream is always available to tap into, except Saturdays, and Sunday morning. You may now be getting an idea why all those banks and hedge funds were making the billions they were before they bought bad mortgages They should have stuck with Forex. Look at Warren Buffet, the world s top investing mind, who has invested more than 10 Billion in currencies Or George Soros, probably one of the most respected fund managers on the planet, played a hunch that the British Pound was going south and pocketed over a BILLION dollars in one single day. You probably know Chrysler makes cars, but most people don t have a clue that in some quarters Chrysler has made more money by investing in Forex than it did from selling cars. Once upon a time there was a man who wanted to climb a huge mountain He bought the best equipment, hired a guide and began the climb It was grueling. When he reached the summit his moment of triumph was immediately shattered when he saw a young boy on the top. How did you get here the climber wanted to know. The young boy answered, I took the helicopter. Triad is the helicopter that gets you to the top. So just to review. New to Triad Trading Formula Download our free reports below to see what all the fuss is about. Any income claims are typical of top performers not all users and your results will vary These results are as reported in testimonials from members using the Triad Trading Formula trading systems. U S Government Required Disclaimer Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. The purchase, sale or advice regarding a currency can only be performed by a licensed Broker Dealer Neither Mr Fielder, nor any of his affiliates or associates involved in the in the production and maintenance of these products or this site, is a registered Broker Dealer or Investment Advisor in any State or Federally-sanctioned jurisdiction All purchasers of products referenced at this site are encouraged to consult with a licensed representative of their choice regarding any particular trade or trading strategy No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Clearly understand this Information contained in this product are not an invitation to trade any specific investments Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain That is your decision Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose This document does not take into account your own individual financial and personal circumstances It is intended for educational purposes only and NOT as individual investment advice Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs circumstances Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests amp could lead to losses of capital. CFTC RULE 4 41 HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. Wow This is the most comprehensive most advanced and most useful candlestick trading program ever developed This breakthrough training program helps the average trader boost their success with greater knowledge and confidence. You ll discover new strategies and insights only available in the Candlesticks MegaPackage Order now to receive your MASSIVE DISCOUNT. Long-time candlestick trader Don Smart at his custom trading station He loves the new insights gained from the Candlestick MegaPackage. I just completed the first trip through the second half of the MegaPackage In my estimation this is the best ever What I like about it is that it ties together all the loose ends from the other packages into one concise entity It clarifies a lot of points that were fuzzy in my mind and I am looking forward to implementing these ideas into my trading This MegaPackage is more complete in many ways The Western Technicals section allows one to make incorporate these indicators, along with the Candlesticks, into a coherent system Also there is a lot of information in these DVD s that further the insights into the understanding Candles - many subtleties that were revealed only in this package Again, Kudos for a magnificent effort. Don Smart, Candlestick Trader. I Made 3,468 In Three Days. I didn t realize how powerful the information was until I got home and started applying what I learned in the seminar I made 3,468 in my first three days trading I have made an additional 2,300 in two trades Capt Joseph F Schumann. Net Profit of 3,198. net profit of 3,198 on an investment of 7,560 in two days Thanks, Steve Donald Foren. Steve Is The Man. If you are tired of working for your money and you want to learn how to make your money work for you, Steve is the man Robert Turner. I Bagged 3,100 in One Trade. I entered short and the USD JPY went right down and I exited as I had planned I bagged 3,100, which more than paid for the entire seminar trip in one trade It was a good thing I followed my plan, as Steve taught, because the USD JPY would have wiped out all my profits and then some I made 3,100 instead of being stopped out with a 1,400 loss Thanks to Steve s techniques, I m confident that I ll make an additional 3,000 in trades each month this year alone Johnny Veloz. My Gains Were Preserved. I have not had a significant loss in trading I recently sold some gold stocks out for a 30 short term gain Steve s favorite Western tool revealed at the seminar saved me from buying back too soon, so my gains were preserved Ken Locklin. I Have Avoided At Least 5,000 In Losses. With Steve s training, I have avoided at least 5,000 in losses by not taking trades I would have placed in the past I also caught early moves shorting several of the commodity markets after parabolic rises Mario Tognetti. Up 2,600 In Just Two Weeks. The seminar was the best that I have ever attended, and I have been to at least ten Before the seminar I was down about 2,100 Since the seminar I have made back the 2,100 dollars plus an additional 500 That is in the span of just TWO WEEKS, trading with small positions Pat Begley. A Must For Any Trader. Without The Class, I Would Have Missed The Signals. I was able to generate a 1,000 net profit in an option trade in Reality Income Without the class, I probably would have missed the candle signals and not taken my profits I look forward to making many more successful trades in the future Monique Marshall. Two Days Later The Stock Hit The Target. On the Monday after the seminar I bought 2 at-the-money puts on ABX I also used the measuring technique to establish a target for the trade Two days later the stock hit the target I will never forget what the broker said How did you know ABX was going down and how did you know what price it would hit Mike Kampu. On Just One Option Contract I Made Over 1,500.Steve s technique predicted a move in the BIDU stock, and on just one option contract I made over 1,500 I am confident that, using Steve s techniques, I will make over 2,500 every month I can hear my brokerage account going KA-CHING Venkat Duvvuri. Read On To Discover How Steve Nison s New Breakthrough Training Program The Candlesticks MegaPackage Will Help Skyrocket Your Trading Success. Here s How You Can Accelerate Your Candlestick Training With Steve Nison. Steve Nison is ready to help you annihilate your trading competition and achieve your highest trading goals. Dear Candlestick Trader. If you re looking to improve your candlestick charting skills beyond nearly every other trader on the planet and gain new skills and insight that will give you an almost unfair advantage over other traders then this will be the most important message you ll ever read. I ve already told you that I ve created a new breakthrough candlestick charting training program. Now it s your opportunity to get these breakthrough strategies and methods before the rest of the world, and. Finally Achieve Those Lofty Trading Goals You Desire. You ve seen other successful traders, and you know it s possible to create serious profits and excellent income through trading. With the help of my new DVD training program, you ll have the knowledge and confidence to make it happen for yourself. Generate real wealth for you and your family. Create extra income to help cover your expenses and live better. Get rid of that annoying debt that s holding you back. Replace your lost retirement funds from the recent market drop. Take care of your family now and in the future. Live the life you really want and trade from anywhere in the world. Achieve true freedom that no one can take away from you. Is it possible to really achieve what you want through smart trading You d better believe it I ve been helping thousands of traders get what they truly desire for over 25 years. Now it s your turn. That s Because I Want To Help You Win. Beginning with my first book published eighteen years ago in 1991, I always share my very best strategies and methods with you. Like anything worthwhile, there s also room for new learning in candlesticks. I think that s the reason behind the phenomenal success of my books and DVD Training Programs Traders recognize good material and flock to it so they can improve their trading results. My books are still considered the bibles of candlestick charting. And my DVD Training Programs are the top-selling products of their kinds Traders appreciate the sincere quest for knowledge and understanding they represent They know I m here to help them improve their success rate. But Here s Why It Is Time For An Even Better Candle Training Program. Here s my work desk with just a few of the original Japanese candle charting books I use as original resource material And that big thick manual in the middle with all the colored tabs is one of my sets of translations loaded with notes and ideas. I m notorious for being an obsessive note taker And I never throw away any of my research materials Which was great news as I began this new quest. I took the time to study, re-study, and re-re-study all of the hundreds of pages of original translations I paid so dearly for all those years ago. Then I bit the bullet and had ANOTHER set of new translations created from new Japanese sources. It was like revisiting a classic book from a different perspective With all of the original Japanese material fresh in my mind and combined with my decades of experience exciting new ideas began jumping off the page. I m telling you, this new DVD training program is absolutely brimming with all of the new strategies I want to reveal to you This new material is phenomenal. Some of the most important things I want to give you are the timeless trading strategies originally derived from the famous 18th century Japanese trader Homma This guy must have been an awesome trader because his peers said he was so good he could make flowers blossom. But it didn t stop there, because. The More I Researched, The More I Found To Give You. Now, listen very carefully to this When I began this new course of study, I thought I d find enough new and useful information to maybe fill one or two hours of training. But the discoveries just kept coming Which means you ll gain. NEW candle pattern insights such as the order of power of candle signals so you ll know how much confidence to have in any candle setup. NEW trading psychology revelations lets you quickly and accurately read the market s message to accelerate your analysis. NEW simple-to-follow systems like my simple 5-Step Trading Checklist to give you a step-by-step method of maximizing your opportunities for success. And much, much more. And here s the bottom line. You Will Literally Be In The Top 0 1 Of Traders Worldwide. Every trader needs an advantage to win and this is your double-barreled advantage no one else can touch. When you re armed with these new insights and strategies, you ll have total confidence to tackle even the toughest trading environments you ll never hesitate again because you ll instinctively know what to do and you ll have the knowledge to cut those losing trades fast and let the winners run to capture more profits that other traders miss out on. No one else is teaching this new information, because no one else knows about it. So continue reading to discover exactly what I m going to share with you. This Program Is For EVERY Serious Trader. It doesn t matter if you re a complete beginner. It doesn t matter if you re a seasoned candlestick trader. These new DVD Training Programs will help you achieve amazing new heights in your trading. Here s What You ll Receive In Your Candlesticks MegaPackage Training Program. In your Candlesticks MegaPackage you ll receive everything in the Volume 1-2 set Candle Charting Essentials Beyond highlighted above. PLUS The exciting new Volume 3-4 set called Candlesticks Re-Ignited together it s the equivalent of a 4-day seminar on Advanced Level Trading Triad Strategies including an arsenal full of exciting new breakthroughs. The Most Advanced Candlestick Training Available Anywhere. IMPORTANT Watch this video now to see exactly what you ll get in the full Candlesticks MegaPackage. Here Is How Candlesticks Re-Ignited Will Help Accelerate Your Trading Skills and Knowledge Beyond What You ve Ever Experienced. The order of power for each candlestick signal so you ll know, for example, whether a hanging man is more powerful than an engulfing pattern and how that knowledge can magnify your profits. Finding out which candlestick patterns give you the best probability of success. When you should actually disregard the candlestick patterns. If it s possible to trade successfully only with candlesticks and no other indicators. How to logically group patterns so you ll know how to use them better in the right context. Why blending candlesticks can give you greater insight into what s really happening on the chart and how to quickly blend them on your own. Know how to identify pattern confirmations with greater accuracy for safer, more profitable trades. The best time periods to choose for moving averages. How to avoid taking profits too early and immediately increase your gains. Know how to let your profits run, and know what it feels like to bag those big winners. Avoid the common scenario of exiting a trade, seeing the market correct a little, and then watch as it continues to go higher don t miss out on those huge profit run again. Quickly recognize the best high probability trades to dramatically improve your chances of consistent winners. How to keep a simple trading Journal, and why it will help your confidence and profit levels. What combination of signals need to be aligned before you pull the trigger. A search engine that automatically identifies the best candle patterns for you. How to use candles with sectors and ETFs to broaden your ability to pick winners and generate consistent profits. Candlesticks MegaPackage Live Seminar Review NUMEROUS LIVE ATTENDEES. An Old Dog Will Teach You New Tricks. Yes, for 25 years I ve been teaching traders all around the globe how to become better traders with candlesticks. Now let me show you new ways to enhance the candle knowledge you already have And if you are still at the beginning level, don t worry This 2-day DVD Workshop will start with the basics and then become your express train to the highest level of candle knowledge possible. Here, finally, is your opportunity to learn this new level of world class candlestick secrets that no one else knew existed a short time ago including the super-advanced skills, know-how and techniques of. How to use my favorite trading rule. How to quickly monitor my favorite candle signal. How to easily calculate my favorite measuring tactic. How to implement the best moving averages for golden and dead crosses, and how to use them every day. How to use the single most important Western tool to skyrocket your success with candles. How to successfully use my Candlestick Screener every day a technique so simple yet so powerful that it will pay for the seminar many times over. How to use Blended Candles to quickly see every group a candle signals as bullish or bearish. And that s just a small taste of what s in store for you in the Candlesticks Re-Ignited DVD Workshop Here are some more ways I ll expand on the current body of candle knowledge to give you even more profit-getting advantages over your competition. Uncover your next move by analyzing the relative size of real bodies and shadows in the candle patterns new technique makes it a breeze. New breakthroughs in Piercing Pattern recognition saves precious time and means you don t have to remember the in neck, on neck, and thrusting candle patterns. Thorough discussion of my popular Nison Trading Principles and how you can benefit from them every single trading day. Not all Doji are created equal discover this drop-dead easy way to increase the doji s potency as a reversal signal. The reason why pinpointing Tweezer tops and bottoms requires more than just the same highs or lows and why this new knowledge will give you stronger confirmation than ever. See what I mean But remember, we re just getting started. And in case you think that this material is for the other guy, you must realize that. These Strategies Work In Every Market No Exceptions. That s one of the great things about candlestick charts They truly are universal. No matter what markets you trade. No matter what time frame you trade. You ll walk away with methods and strategies that improve your trading and confidence levels. Candlesticks Re-Ignited DVD Workshop Review Michael L Getzendaner, Polo IL. Steve, The Candlesticks Re-ignited DVD training course was just fantastic It took me to a whole new trading level Now I am checking the markets DIA, SPY QQQQ to see where the overall markets are heading and have a whole new outlook about risk and reward This has saved me thousands in this volatile market Using the methods that I learned from these training DVDs I made 3659 on one Wells Fargo Corporation stock symbol WFC options trade in just two days I would highly recommend this training course for anyone who is serious about trading I got my money back the the first week after applying your methods and now I get my money back time and time again by knowing the good risk reward buys from the poor risk reward buys Thank you so much for all your help. Michael L Getzendaner Polo, IL. Candlesticks Re-Ignited DVD Workshop Review James Dupuy. I loved the strict criteria given for certain candles This has helped me to more clearly define my A trades I really liked the way Steve explains how to properly use the candles and when not to use them I loved learning about the sector analysis and the fx CD is a great tool No other educator teaches like Steve does. I got into an ETF SSO based on a bullish engulfing pattern in the S P, which was confirmed with higher volume than the preceding days and a western technical There was a resistance level about 90 points higher I got out as soon as the S P hit this level during the day How did I do it With Steve s intraday tactics I was watching it and several bearish candle formations were made at this resistance level So I bailed By the end of the trading day the price had come down back to the prior days close This was about 150 points in the dow Profit was 2400 00 in my fund This was a 3 day trade I know this year I will do better than 50 Which is unheard of for a 401K One last thing, I did this while I was working at my job using the free charts from the Ice exchange they are not the best. Learning Candles has been the glue I was looking for My trading has greatly increased and my successes because of the micro view the candles give Yes they give a macro view as well but for me candles have eliminated the uncertainty I would get prior to some trades That feeling of maybe I should wait 1 more day or maybe I should look or wait for more confirmation with western technicals I think the best wat to some up candles is with one word CONFIDENCE Before my confidence was missing on many trades meaning I had some uncertainty Now, almost all of my trades I am confident I was 5 for 6 on my first 6 trades. Fascinating New Discoveries That Will Blow Your Mind And Inflate Your Wallet. How and why setting up a trading journal can keep you on the path to profits and how to do it the right way to put you at the head of the class fast. If that isn t enough for you, then you ll really love. My Drop-Dead Simple 3-Step Filtering System Shines A Spotlight On Winning Trades. Like I said before all of my strategies and techniques work equally well in any market. But I m going to teach you a 3-step system that will let you pull profits from stocks almost at will It s my Nison 3-Step Filtering System and it works like a charm I ve been testing it for quite some time and honestly I haven t found a situation in which it doesn t work. One of the biggest headaches stock traders face every day is How to filter through thousands upon thousands of stocks to find the real gems. Do it the wrong way and you can spend countless hours fumbling around trying to find good stock candidates But with my Nison 3-Step Filtering System you ll find the best stocks in a flash. And I ll hand it over to you on a silver platter when you grab your copy of the Candlesticks MegaPackage DVD Workshop You ll get step-by-step instructions that are easy enough for ANY trader to follow. DVD 1 The Framework of Candles. This DVD begins building the solid, and correct, foundation for the rest of your candlestick education. See why candles are used by the most successful traders and analysts and how candles can help you overcome your trading challenges You will learn how Steve s Trading Triad Success System will put you ahead of those who don t use this strategy. After detailing the basic construction of the candlestick line, Steve focuses on one of the most common and misunderstood candle signals - the Doji Want to know if a breakout is likely to be false Then pay special attention to the section on Spinning Tops and Doji. Do you think candles are complicated This is just one of the misunderstandings that are blown apart here By the end of this DVD, you ll be starting down the path to accurately read the markets message better and faster than ever before. Here s what you ll learn. Why is Steve Nison the source for your candle education. Anatomy of the candle line. The importance of understanding market psychology. The popularity of candles. The 7 major benefits of candles. How candles can be used in all time frames and all markets. Why candles are a tool and not a trading system. Introduction to Steve Nison s Trading Triad Success System. Why candles give twice the information as a bar chart. Using real bodies to gauge force of current move. Spinning tops. Essentials of Doji. Basic Criteria. Market Implication. Using doji as a protective stop. How to help avoid buying on false breakouts. Avoiding a common misuse of the doji. Why shadows must be part of your candle analysis. Using long lower shadows. Using long upper shadows. High Wave Candles. Basic Criteria. Market implication. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Starting to read the market s message with single candle lines. DVD 2 Essentials of Single Candle Lines. Candles have their own special message But how do you correctly read their message. Steve gives you the answer by showing you, step by step, how to read what the candlestick line both the real body and shadows - is relaying about the health of the market Using this information, you ll see the inside secret of how to tell which way the market will break out a trading range. Not all candle signals are equally valid, and in this DVD, Steve gives you a heads up on which candle signals you must be cautious about and why Then see how to use the visual insights of single candle lines - even those that are not specific candle patterns - to accurately gauge when the market is most likely to reverse. Here s what you ll learn. Hammer Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Hammer and trend. Dragonfly doji. Inverted Hammer Essentials. Basic criteria. Cautions about this pattern. Shooting Star Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Basic psychology behind the pattern. As resistance. Example of wrong candle information. Hanging Man Essentials. Basic criteria. Cautions about this pattern. Box range trading - using candles to help predict direction of breakout. Single candle line essentials bringing it all together. DVD 3 Bull and Bear Double Candle Patterns. Do you think there are too many candlestick patterns Then you ll appreciate how Steve zooms in on some his favorite double candle line patterns - from both the bull and bear side. With the help of this DVD, you ll develop the confidence to quickly find and correctly use, these most important double candle line patterns to set up a trade In this section, you ll see how to answer the common question of How do I know when the pattern fails. Here s what you ll learn. Bullish Engulfing Pattern Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Using as support. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Piercing Pattern Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Using as support. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Bull Harami Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Using as support. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Bearish Engulfing Pattern Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Using as resistance. Basic psychology behind the patternpared to western outside reversal. Dark Cloud Cover Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Using as resistance. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Bear Harami Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Basic psychology behind the pattern. DVD 4 Bull and Bear TRIPLE Candle Patterns and Continuation Candles. This DVD completes the candles reversal patterns as Steve gives the ins and outs of the Morning and Evening Stars. While most candle patterns are reversal indicators, there are a select group of continuation candles in which the market continues its current trend One of these is Steve s all time favorite candle pattern You will see how to take advantage of this signal, which is simple to recognize, but will be a boon to your trading prowess. After a review of what you learned in this and the prior DVDs, Steve will show an example of how NOT to use candlesticks to help you avoid one of the most common, and dangerous, mistakes made by candle traders. Here s what you ll learn. Morning Star Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Using as support. Evening Star Essentials. Basic criteria. Market implications. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Using as resistance. Being flexible. Three Advancing White Soldiers. Basic criteria. Market implications. Basic psychology behind the pattern. Pattern nuances. Rising and Falling Three Methods. Pattern nuances. Rising and Falling Windows. Using for maximum successmon misuses of this signal. Breakaway gaps and windows. Fry pan bottom definition, construction and uses. Dumpling Top definition, construction and uses. How NOT to use candles. DVD 5 Essentials of East West, Part 1.Do you know when to start a new trade or when to end a trade. To answer these questions, we need to focus on Western technicals and candles as detailed in this DVD The fusion of candlesticks with Western technical indicators, at critical junctures, is one of the most important strategies you need to know to generate entry and exit points. Trend lines and their variations - is the first of Steve s specific western technical tools. You ll be amazed at the market timing strategies you will discover with Steve s 7 tactics using candles and trend lines. Here s what you ll learn. How adding Western technicals improves trading success. Candles and trend lines. Sloping trend lines. Bull and bear channels. Horizontal trend lines. Bullish Change of Polarity. Bearish Change of Polarity. Crack and Snap as a bull signal. Falling Off the Roof as a bearish signal. Importance of looking at candles in context. Candle by candle example of East - West. DVD 6 Essentials of East West, Part 2.See why volume is one of Steve s critical Western tools as he highlights the nuances of using volume with candle charts. Then uncover why candles and Bollinger Bands can be your one-two punch for trading success Do you now use, or are thinking of using oscillators, such as RSI, stochastics, etc. Then you ll be thrilled as Steve discloses how to use 4 of the most popular oscillators as potential trade set ups, and then use candles as the trading trigger. Here s what you ll learn. Candles and Volume. Tall white candle and volume. Using Volume and candles to gauge shifting market psychology. Volume and engulfing patterns. Volume and windows. Volume and small real bodies and doji. Volume and crack and snap. Selling climaxes. Candles and open interest. Candles and Bollinger Bands. Candles and Oscillators - Introduction. Introduction to oscillators. Basics of how to use oscillators. Candles and Stochastic. Candles and RSI. Candles and MACD. Candles and Dual Moving Average Oscillator. DVD 7 Essentials of East West, Part 3.Steve reveals two popular Japanese tools on how to gauge if the market is overbought or oversold. Ever wonder how you can find support or resistance after a market shoots almost straight up or falls almost vertically down See how to do this with retracements Then learn when moving averages when properly used - can be another tool when used in conjunction with candle signals. Since candles don t provide price targets, Steve shows examples of Western price projections He then shows how he predicted major highs and lows in the markets months before they unfolded using the synthesis of East and West. Here s what you ll learn. The Disparity Index. Using the disparity index to gauge if market is overextended. Record session highs and lows. Using to measure overbought and oversold levels. Candles and Retracements. Using 50 retracements. Using Fibonacci retracements. Candles and Moving Averages. Moving averages as support and resistance. When to use - and not use - moving averages. Candles and Price Patterns. Head and Shoulders. Inverted Head and Shoulders. Box range breakouts. Ascending and descending triangle. Swing targets. Bull and bear flags. Price targets and candle confirmation. East West Putting it all together. How candles and west called major market highs and lows. DVD 8 Trade Management Essentials. Do you know when not to place a trade even with a perfect candle signal. Or when to hold them and or fold them Have you asked, I have a candlestick signal - now what The answers to these questions - and more - is completely dependent on the vital trade management principles revealed on this DVD. Lack of these core principles is the single most common and dangerous misuse of candles. Here you will learn Steve s all time most important trade management rule and how he gets price targets Then see how to use the short term trend to define if a candle signal is valid. Discover the core concept of how to place your trades in the direction of the longer term trend In the concluding section, Steve asks which of two candle patterns is the more likely reversal The answer will shock you. Here s what you ll learn. The danger of treating all the candle signals the same. Importance of trade management. Protective stops as a foundation of risk management. Price targets. Price targets with pivot highs and lows. Price targets using price patterns. Price targets with bull and bear channels. Risk reward - why this should be an essential component of trading. Importance of Short Term Trend. A common misuse of candles and trend. When is a bearish engulfing pattern not a bearish engulfing pattern. Importance of Longer Term Trend. Using longer term trend to set up directional trades. Dual moving averages to define longer term trend. How to Trade Expected News. The If Then Principle. What this principle means to your trading. The 3 ways to use this trading principle. Adapting to the Market A key strategy when in a trade. Candles in Context. Using trade management to help determine the better candle signals. DVD 9 Advanced Doji and Price Confirmation. Steve delves deeply into new nuances with doji including the two times you should never use a doji. He then goes beyond his earlier and more basic resources, where he discusses East-West confirmation by adding another method of candle confirmation You ll discover the significance of this confirmation and why it is especially important if you trade FX. Steve then introduces you to his brand new 360 Candle Analysis and how it will quickly take you to the top levels of candle pattern analysis Steve reveals his new Nison Insights analysis to ensure that you use a candle signal correctly, and with maximum success. Here s what you ll learn. Overview of Candle Benefits. What candles do - and don t do. Advanced Doji. When doji are less important and why. Doji and trend. Doji and box ranges. How to tell when a doji is just a pause before the rally resumes. How to increase success with doji. Doji and shadows. Doji at a new high. Doji and momentum trading. Price Confirmation. What is price confirmation. Why is price confirmation important. Price confirmation compared to East-West confirmation. The one time price confirmation less important. When is price confirmation especially important. Introducing Steve Nison s 360 Candle Analysis The newest and most in depth candle analysis ever given. Introducing Nison Insights New candle pattern insights and nuances. DVD 10 Advanced Single and Blended Candlestick Lines. Traders have been waiting a long time for this Using his newly developed real body shadow progression, Steve gives you the logical progression of the order of importance of single white lines from least to most bullish. See which is the more important part of the candle line the real body or the shadow Then learn all the insider tactics and strategies with the one-sided shadowed candles of hammers and shooting stars. Have you ever seen a double or triple group of candles signals and can t tell if they are net bullish or bearish Then you ll want to use the insights of the blended candle line including a new strategy of the blended candle technique. Think a tweezers top or bottom means the same highs to lows See what is even more important for the tweezers. Here s what you ll learn. Real body or shadow which is more important and why.10 white real body candle lines from weakest to strongest.10 black real body candle lines in order of weakness. Advanced Hammer. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Price confirmation. The Power Line. How to increase success with this pattern. Using retests of the lower shadow. Dragonfly doji. The Hanging Man. Why to be careful with this pattern. Why price confirmation is especially important for this pattern. Advanced Shooting Star. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Price confirmation. Gravestone doji. The Inverted Hammer. Why to be careful with this pattern. Why price confirmation is especially important for this pattern. The Blended Candle Line. Definition and Construction. Using the blended candle to see if a combination of candle lines are bullish or bearish. How to use blended candle insights to determine the importance of a candle reversal. Tweezers tops and bottoms. Correct interpretationmon misuses. When is price confirmation important for these patterns. Strategies for making this pattern even more effective. DVD 11 Advanced Bull Double Candlestick Lines. Using his new white real body candle progression, Steve gives you the logical order of power from least to most bullish of the most important double candle line patterns that have white real bodies Then, for each of these candle patterns, he applies his 360 Candle Analysis and Nison Insights to give you his ultimate insights. Plus you ll learn what dangers to avoid For example, a bullish separating line explained on this DVD looks especially bullish In this DVD, you ll learn the one time you must never use this pattern. Here s what you ll learn. Bull Counter Attack Pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Price confirmation. How to increase success with this pattern. An important caution about this pattern. Bull Separating Line. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Price confirmation. How to increase success with this pattern. An important caution about this pattern. Advanced piercing pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Why this pattern replaces three related patterns. Advanced Bull Harami. How to increase success with this pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Price confirmation. Advanced Bullish Engulfing Pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Momentum trading. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Price confirmation. How to increase success with this pattern. The Last Engulfing Line. DVD 12 Advanced Bear Double Candlestick Lines and Advanced Window. Steve goes over the bearish counterparts of the bull signals detailed in the previous DVD. By using his newly developed approach to the bearish double line candle patterns called Black Real Body Progression, you ll have a visual shortcut to seeing the least to most bearish double candle line patterns. Continuing his extensive details about the psychology behind the patterns, you ll see why these patterns work time and time again no matter what market or timeframe you trade. As part of the advanced windows section, Steve answers the one question that comes up time and time again about windows. Here s what you ll learn. Bear Counter Attack Pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Price confirmation. How to increase success with this pattern. An important caution about this pattern. Bear Separating Line. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Price confirmation. How to increase success with this pattern. An important caution about this pattern. Advanced Dark Cloud Cover. How to increase success with this pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Momentum trading. Why this pattern replaces three related patterns. Advanced Bear Harami. How to increase success with this pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Price confirmation. Advanced Bearish Engulfing Pattern. Strict compared to basic criteria. Momentum trading. Detailed psychology behind the pattern. Price confirmation. How to increase success with this pattern. The Last Engulfing Line. Advanced Windows. Review of window basics. Small compared to large windows. Windows and Change of Polarity. Windows and Island Tops and Bottoms. A note of caution when using the Three Windows method. Secrets to using intraday charts to confirm a window on a daily chart. DVD 13 Advanced East West, Part 1.In this resource, Steve not only reveals his all time favorite Western tool but exposes how most traders use this tool incorrectly. See Steve s favorite measured move. Want to know if support or resistance is likely to hold Then pay special attention to The Candlestick Screener , a strategy so simple, yet so powerful, that you ll use it in just about every trading situation when the market is at support or resistance. If we had to pick Steve s favorite trading strategy this is it. Here s what you ll learn. Review of how western tools with candles helps increase success. Steve reveals his all time favorite western indicator. Background about this indicator. Why this indicator is the perfect fit with candles. Why this indicator is not used correctly by most traders. In depth discussion on how to accurately and correctly use this indicator. When to use this indicator with candles. When not to use this indicator with candles. Which markets does this indicator work with. What time frames can you use this indicator - and why. How to use this indicator with bullish candle signals. How to use this indicator with bearish candle signals. Measure Moves. Why we need targets when trading with candles. The Three Buddha Pattern. Samples of measured move patterns in western technical analysis. Steve s favorite western pattern for getting a measure move. DVD 14 Advanced East West, Part 2.Do you have trouble finding the best stocks to watch. In Nison s Three-Step Filtering System, you will be able to zero in on the high probability stock candidates Did you know that sectors account for 37 - 60 of an individual stocks performance. This is why Steve brings to light how to apply top down and bottom-up sector analysis with candles Then see how he uses candles with ETFs. Here s what you ll learn. The Candlestick Screener. The two simple questions to ask to find the highest probability trades. When to buy at support. When not to buy at support. When to sell at resistance. When not to sell at resistance. Candles and Stock Sectors. What are stock sectors. Why sectors are so important to your trading. Where to get sector information. Sectors and bottom up trading - stocks to its related sector. Sectors and top down trading - sector to related stock. Using the Nison 3 Step Filtering System to find the best stock candidates. Candles and ETFs. What ETFs are. Why use ETFs. How to use ETFS in your trading. How to combine candles and ETFs. DVD 15 Advanced Trade Management. I have a candle signal now what do I do. Here is where you get Steve s answer with his 6 step Trading Checklist. Do you have the problem of letting your profits run Then the section on trailing stops will be perfect for you Emotions rule your trading Then see how a trading journal will put you in charge of your emotions so you can as Steve says, trade the market like Spock logically, clearly and unemotionally. Here s what you ll learn. Why ignoring trade management is the most common and dangerous misuse of candles. The 4 major components of Trade Management. Review of risk reward. Review of adapting to the market. Which is a better trading signal and why Dark cloud cover or bearish engulfing pattern the answer will surprise you. Protective stops. Why protective stops should be the first aspect of a trade. Definition of a time stop. Using time stops to free up trading capital. Trailing stops. How trailing stops help let your profits run. Using golden and dead crosses for trailing stops. Steve s favorite moving averages to use with golden and dead crosses. Using a Trading Journal. Importance of using a trading journal. Setting up a trading journal. How to use a trading journal before the trade. Using a trading journal after the trade is closed. Bringing it All Together with Your 6 Step Trading Checklist. Watch These Sample Clips From The Actual Candlesticks MegaPackage DVD Training Program. These video samples will give you a little peek behind the curtain to see Steve teaching this exciting new material. PLEASE NOTE Although this is actual footage from the Candlesticks MegaPackage DVD Training Program, we have seriously down-sampled the size of the video clips so they ll download fairly quickly As a result, the video image quality isn t as clear as it will be on your own television or computer when you play directly from the DVDs. The actual videos are stunningly clear and silky smooth. Or get it for just two monthly payments of only 795 each. IMPORTANT NOTE These recordings are licensed for your use only You may never resell them ever especially on auction sites such as eBay If this is a problem for you, do not purchase this item. REFUND POLICY Due to the sensitive nature of these educational materials, is unable to offer any kind of refund on these DVDs We will promptly replace any defective item free of charge. These New DVD Training Programs Become Your Overnight Success. Not long ago a trader friend of mine told me that many years ago he didn t do anything to increase his trading knowledge because he didn t think he could afford it. Year after year, though, he could never break through and make the kind of profits he really wanted After a while, the roller coaster of decent wins and gut-wrenching losses began to take a toll on his health. As most experienced traders like to say, one way or another you ll pay for a trading education. The Candlesticks MegaPackage is a serious investment in your trading education But it s the kind of investment that can pay for itself almost immediately. Just one well-placed trade using these new strategies can put you in the driver seat. Become Part Of A Select Group Of Certified Candlestick Charting Experts. When you order the Candlesticks MegaPackage you ll now have the opportunity to prove your candlestick charting abilities. After you finish watching the new DVD Training Program, you can earn our Certificate Of Achievement with an online comprehension quiz. Your Certificate will show everyone that you have taken your candlestick charting knowledge to a level of expertise very few traders ever achieve. But the real value of earning your Certificate is in the improved trading results you ll be trained to achieve with this newfound knowledge. Plus, Here Are Your Valuable FREE fx Gifts. When you claim your copy of this fast-paced DVD Training Program, you ll also receive three amazing fx gifts I ve put together for you absolutely free. fx GIFT 1 Advanced Candles Trading Lab DVD. The Advanced Candles Trading Lab DVD is a one-of-a-kind training tool. It gives you a full 45 minutes of real world chart situations full of questions such as what do you see here and what would you do here. Then your candle charting expertise will increase again as you watch Steve explain what should be done in each of those situations. It s a fascinating way to test your knowledge. Available exclusively to those who order directly from. Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions. Q I have limited resources Why are the DVD Training Programs a good value A Getting in early on a single trade - or avoiding a bad trade - with the strategies presented in this DVD should more than pay for it The following quote is a typical comment I made 3,468 in my first three days trading I have made an additional 2,300 in two trades Capt Joseph F Schumann. Also, these are taken in crystal clear video from one of Steve s rare, and sold out, live seminars, which is much more expensive And you save all the travel costs and airline hassles. Q There are other candlestick DVDs by other educators, why should I get these A As the first to reveal candlesticks to the Western world, Steve Nison is THE acknowledge master of candlesticks There are a lot of so-called teachers out there who have good intentions when it comes to explaining candles But the truth is they haven t done the work, or done the years of research that it takes to become the expert at candles It gets us upset when we see traders being taught false information Because this false information is what causes many traders to lose real money For over the past 30 years Steve has helped countless thousands of institutional and retail traders If you re serious about learning how to use candlestick charts, you owe it to yourself to do it the right way with Nison Candlesticks. Q I am new to candlesticks, where do I start A Candlestick Essentials and Beyond Volumes 1-2 start from the basics of candles up to strong intermediate level And then delves into candlesticks with some of Steve s favorite Western trading strategies and then completes the circle of analysis with trade management. Q Can I buy the each of the four Volumes separately A No To ensure you get the correct education, in the correct order we only offer Volumes 1-2 as a package, or volumes 1-4 which is called the Nison Candlestick Mega Package. Q Can you give an overview of the difference between the DVD Training Programs A Both DVD Training Programs are based on Steve Nison s Trading Triad of Technical Analysis This propriety trading strategy pioneered and registered by Steve Nison, forges together the most important aspects of three trading methods.1 Nison Candlesticks candlesticks the right way, from the person who revealed candlesticks to the Western world.2 Western Technical Analysis, based on Steve s 30 years in Western technical analysis.3 Trade Management, one of the key components to successful trading. Volumes 1 and 2 called Candlestick Charting Essentials takes you from the basics to strong intermediate level with all three aspects of The Trading Triad This is like attending the first two days of a four day seminar From a knowledge level of 1 to 10 these DVDs will take you to a level 5 or 6.Volumes 3 and 4 called Candlesticks Re-Ignited are designed for those who want the most advanced level of knowledge and training based on three aspect of The Trading Triad This is like attending the days 3 and 4 of a four day seminar From a knowledge level of 1 to 10 these DVDs will take you to a level 10.Q I currently own you former DVDs Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts and Becoming a Samurai Trader which DVD products are right for me. A Essentials and Beyond Volumes 1 and 2 of the Educational Series , are comparable to the above DVDs So you may decide to further your education by getting only Volumes 3 and 4 of the Educational Series called Candlesticks Re-Ignited If you bought the older DVDs from please contact for special pricing. But we would strongly suggest considering investing in Essentials Vol 1 2 even if you have the former DVDs This is because Essentials Vol 1 2.1 Have all new charts and real-world examples not on the former DVDs.2 As you know, reviewing information can often give you a new perspective even on strategies you thought you had a solid grasp on This is similar to the testimonials we get from those who go to the same live seminar a different time They tell us they pick up at least one or two -- or in most instances many more -- strategies that easily paid for the live Training Program So it should be with these new DVDs.3 With the new DVD you will have the fx, worth thousands of dollars, to become a student at the brand new Nison University for exclusive continuing education and support such as test your knowledge charts, exclusive webinars not open to the general public and much more.4 Plus, if you have these DVDs you get a special price for Essentials and Beyond Volumes 1 and 2 Send a one line email to letting him know that you have one or both of Steve s former DVDs. Q If I own Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts and Becoming a Samurai Trader can I access Nison University A No, Nison U admission is granted only for those who buy Essentials and Beyond Volumes 1 and 2 or the Mega Package Essentials and Beyond Vol 1 and 2 plus Candlesticks Re-Ignited Vol 3 4 And Nison U and all its resources are only open to those who buy the DVDs from. Q What is the refund policy for the DVDs. A No refund policy for all products Due to the sensitive nature of these educational materials, and the possibility of piracy, is unable to offer any kind of refund All sales are final In the unlikely situation that your product is delivered damaged or defective, we will send replacement media If your product does not work as indicated, please contact us immediately at. Q Are the charts clear. A The great looking PowerPoint slides were custom designed to enhance the learning experience We used a special camera that let us zoom in on the charts during the seminar As such, the charts are crisply sharp Additionally, all the charts and exhibits are included with the DVDs No need to go through the time and expense in ink to download the charts. Q How do I get a copy of the charts used in the DVD Training Programs. A So that you don t have to go through the time and expens of ink toner, as a fx, we include the handouts We even made a section for notes so you can catch on paper all the great ideas and insights as you watch the DVDs. Q What is the Wow worksheet. A The Wow Worksheet included with DVDs has a simple but powerful purpose to help you remember the most important and valuable strategies you learn while watching the DVDs On it, you make note of those Wow insights and the challenge this insight will help you overcome you get as you go through the DVDs So, for example, we will show how to use trailing stops to let your profits run as detailed on volume 4 in the candlesticks reignited DVD Training Program So we will make note of this on the Wow sheet, and the challenge he would help you overcome is helping you avoid getting out of profitable trades too early. Q Do you have different levels of resources for Nison U. A Yes - Volumes 1 and 2 give you exclusive webinars, test your knowledge charts and other benefits. Volume 1-4 Candlesticks Mega Package Gives you all the above plus a Certificate of Competition, email education alerts and additional test your knowledge charts. Q Do you have ongoing support. A As part of Nison U you get a special front of the line insider email address to ask us any question about any topic on the DVDs. Q I trade only fx, what product should I get. A Your complete FX education would consist of the popular Profiting in Forex and Candlesticks Re - Ignited volume 3 -4 of the educational series However you may want to start with Profiting in Forex and then upgrade later to Candlesticks Re-Ignited Contact for details. Q What if I have additional questions. A Please email.

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